8 replies on “Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick”

  1. Hmmm…

    But not for my GameCube. Dagnabbit! The first game, “Hail to the King,” got pretty trashed by game critics. Hopefully this’ll be an improvement.

    • Re: Typo at SciFi.com

      We have it listed as “Boomstick,” but the article says “Broomstick.” Based on this article on GameZone, we’re right.

      I noticed that too. The article also says “broomsticks” as in plural… WTF?

      • Re: Typo at SciFi.com

        I noticed that too. The article also says “broomsticks” as in plural… WTF?

        “Broomstick” is the first suggestion by Microsoft Word’s spellchecker for “Boomstick” (same goes for the plurals). Apparently, Evil Dead nomenclature didn’t make it into the lexicon over at Microsoft when they put together the spellchecker.

        • Re: Typo at SciFi.com

          “Broomstick” is the first suggestion by Microsoft Word’s spellchecker for “Boomstick”…

          Ah yes, M$ Word Spellcheck: For more evil than legions of the undead.

          • Re: Typo at SciFi.com

            “Broomstick” is the first suggestion by Microsoft Word’s spellchecker for “Boomstick”…

            Ah yes, M$ Word Spellcheck: For more evil than legions of the undead.

            Good. Bad. I’m the guy with the gun (or in this case, the MS product).

        • Re: Typo at SciFi.com
          Not to give MS a break, But I use Openoffice and it also suggests broomstick. This was obviously a user error.

    • Re: Typo at SciFi.com

      We have it listed as “Boomstick,” but the article says “Broomstick.” Based on this article on GameZone, we’re right.

      Oh! That’s what they meant. I was wondering what evil dead had to do with brooms.

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