Doctor Who: 50 in 50 #31: The Valeyard

Today’s podcast examines The Valeyard. You can also follow the series with its own RSS or iTunes feeds, or with the blanket Bureau 42 Master Audio Feed RSS or iTunes feeds.

The schedule:

  1. Introduction and Regeneration
  2. William Hartnell
  3. Patrick Troughton
  4. Jon Pertwee
  5. Tom Baker
  6. Peter Davison
  7. Colin Baker
  8. Sylvester McCoy
  9. Paul McGann
  10. The TARDIS
  11. Jamie McCrimmon
  12. Zoe Heriot
  13. Brigadier Alastair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart
  14. Sarah Jane Smith
  15. Leela
  16. Romana I
  17. Romana II
  18. K9
  19. Adric
  20. Nyssa
  21. Ace
  22. Daleks
  23. Davros
  24. The Master
  25. The Cybermen
  26. The Autons
  27. The Great Intelligence
  28. The Ice Warriors
  29. The Silurians and the Sea Devils
  30. The Sontarans
  31. The Valeyard
  32. Black Guardian
  33. ???
  34. ???
  35. ???
  36. ???
  37. ???
  38. ???
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  40. ???
  41. ???
  42. ???
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  44. ???
  45. ???
  46. ???
  47. ???
  48. ???
  49. ???
  50. ???

One reply

  1. The multi-doctor stories have the same issue with remembering how things are going to happen and changing them. I don’t recall if there was ever any explanation of it, but I always assumed there was some sort of a memory thing going on, either imposed by the Time Lords or otherwise by, say, that Doctor’s psyche. (We know the Time Lords can affect memory based on the exile at the start of Pertwee.)

    Of course, that still doesn’t explain the Valeyard’s plan. But when you consider the Master could easily have been lying when he explained the Valeyard and even if he wasn’t, it’s not actually explicitly stated that the Valeyard actually is *our* Doctor’s future incarnation. He could as easily be a clone of some kind, for instance. (Or to borrow from the relaunch, maybe the result of a “metacrisis” or something.)

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