5 replies on “Century City Discussion – Premiere”

  1. Thoughts…
    Not bad, I think it has potential. I just wish they spent a bit more time on the characters, but im sure that will happen as the series continues. I just hope it doesnt get canned before it has a chance and replaced with some stupid reality show like so many good shows (Jake 2.0, Firefly) have recently…

    The legal aspect feels right, although the case from the first episode will probably hit the courts sooner than 25 years from now. At the very least it adds a bit of intelligence that many shows lack.

  2. Didn’t watch it
    I had no desire to watch it. But then I’ve been playing a lot of Final Fantasy XI lately so I have let my SF watching slide. My girl friend did watch it though and I listened to parts of it. My room mate kept going “It’s lawyers… IN THE FUTURE” with a movie announcers voice. Very funny… maybe you had to be there. Anyway this reminds me of another show that I had no desire to watch. I think it was about a hospital… IN THE FUTURE. Pretty sure it was canned early on.

    • Re: Didn’t watch it

      Anyway this reminds me of another show that I had no desire to watch. I think it was about a hospital… IN THE FUTURE. Pretty sure it was canned early on.

      Mercy Point.

      • Re: Didn’t watch it

        Anyway this reminds me of another show that I had no desire to watch. I think it was about a hospital… IN THE FUTURE. Pretty sure it was canned early on.

        Mercy Point.

        the difference: this show was good. it actually, really was. It’s about all those “how are we going to handle this technology when it becomes mature?” questions we’re having. I’d like to see where they go with how intellectual property was finally dealt with…

        • Re: Didn’t watch it

          I’d like to see where they go with how intellectual property was finally dealt with…

          too bad the solution wasnt to shoot all the lawyers :)

          (or maybe it was, just only the IP lawyers)

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