Dorky Geeky Nerdy #102 | Feel-Good Movie Trivia

Let’s start 2021 off right, shall we?

This week, we’re all about feeling good with thirty questions from movies that leave us smiling like big saps as the credits roll. Something funny, touching, or just plain silly makes these movies a nice “comfort food” for watching when times are tough.

We’ll kick this year off by leaving 2020 behind and having a few laughs and and some happy tear. Sound good? Then let’s get to it.


2 replies on “Dorky Geeky Nerdy #102 | Feel-Good Movie Trivia”

  1. Empire Records is my Feel Good movie, let’s see if it shows up.

    Dorky – 6 point, 6 correct – I think I saw more of these than I got correct answers for, but there so many I didn’t see.
    Geeky – 2 point, 4 correct – A lot of guesses, not any right ones.
    Nerdy – 3 point, 9 correct – A Buffy question! I got this one! I got the other one because though the movie isn’t anywhere near my tastes, someone suggested it, and I was thrilled that “Roy” was in it.

    No Empire Records? Maybe that can be done on Rex Manning Day.

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