Dorky Geeky Nerdy #136 | 1980s Cartoon Trivia

Grab some cereal, your Underoos, and don’t wake Mom and Dad, it’s time for 1980s Cartoon Trivia! This week, we’re heading back to the time where cartoons for kids were just 30 minute long toy commercials. But we didn’t mind. We loved every single minute of it.


3 replies on “Dorky Geeky Nerdy #136 | 1980s Cartoon Trivia”

  1. This is my era. I was 2 to 12 in these years, so I better do well!

    Dorky – 8 Correct, 8 Points – I have too many alternative guesses, because I remember the off-brand versions of most of the big hits, too. Some answers feel painfully easy, others I religiously watched but couldn’t tell you the voice actor so I missed them.
    Geeky – 7 Correct, 14 Points –
    Nerdy – 1 Correct, 3 Points – I feel like I should have gotten more here, as I remember a lot of these shows.

    This episode hit me with way more nostalgia than I’d have expected.

    • Go hit YouTube. There are TONS of full episodes out there for a good nostalgia hit. Warning: Many do not hold up years later.

      • I learned that fifteen years ago when I started a rewatch of He-Man. I am content to enjoy the remakes, refreshes, and reboots. (He Man 2002 was great. Masters of the Universe 2021 was great. She-Ra 2018 was great. My Little Pony’ – Friendship is Magic was loved by my kids. Jem’s comic is great, but avoid the movie.)

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