Dorky Geeky Nerdy #146 | Battlestar Galactica Reboot Trivia

Do you have a plan to score well on today’s episode? Well, good luck with this week’s show, Battlestar Galactica Reboot Trivia. We’re heading back to the days of 2004 before we had any idea of what this reboot of a 1970s show would look like. Have fun and see you again next week!

Update: I had the episode in the can when the news came in about the passing of Dean Stockwell, who played John Cavill on the show. Dean Stockwell had a wide and varied career with many roles we geeks would love from Dune to Quantum Leap. RIP, Mr. Stockwell. You will be missed.


One reply

  1. I watched BSG, mostly as it came out. I wonder how much I remember…

    Dorky – 4 right, 4 points – At least half I knew the answer, but couldn’t find the answer by the time the timer went off.
    Geeky – 0 right, 0 points – That fell off quickly.
    Nerdy – 1 right, 3 points – Plenty here I didn’t know.

    I am surprised how much I bombed this one. Still, fun!

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