A.I. Gets Nailed By Swedish Censors

Okay, censors isn’t perhaps the most correct term, but that’s what they’re called. The Swedish Board of Film Censors has given “A.I.” a “15” rating, which prevents anyone under the age of 15 from seeing the film. Remember, kids, violence is okay (“Pearl Harbor” got an “11” rating), but not things that make you think. Requisite Reuters story.

2 replies on “A.I. Gets Nailed By Swedish Censors”

  1. who cares
    Does it really matter that some Swedish kid doesn’t get to see this never ending story that was better done by Disney back in the 70’s. I know this movie is suppose to be deep and enlightening but the only thing it really accomplishes is putting my butt to sleep.

    What exactly do you think the Swedish Government is trying to keep out of the minds of their children?

    • Re: who cares

      What exactly do you think the Swedish Government is trying to keep out of the minds of their children?

      What bothers me is the comparative ratings, not that they’re censoring at all. Perl Harbor gets a lower rating than A.I.??? That really does make me wonder what they’re trying to keep out of the minds of their children. Obviously not violence, apparently violence is OK.


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