Doctor Who Discussion: Evolution of the Daleks

There’s a lot to be said for straightforward, unadulterated evil as an entertainment device.

14 replies on “Doctor Who Discussion: Evolution of the Daleks”

  1. Didn’t enjoy this as much as the first half.
    Still, t’was fun, and lo and behold the unchanged Daleks did stay true to form. Without spoiling too much, the Doctor’s decision to help create a new species using humans was a bit of a shock, but I guess, why waste perfectly good biologically-active stock?


    • Re: Didn’t enjoy this as much as the first half.

      Still, t’was fun, and lo and behold the unchanged Daleks did stay true to form. Without spoiling too much, the Doctor’s decision to help create a new species using humans was a bit of a shock, but I guess, why waste perfectly good biologically-active stock?



  2. Meh
    Better than I expected after last week.. still wasn’t great but at least most of the daleks stayed true to their psychotic nature. I thought the actor who played Sec did a pretty good job with poor material, made him fairly convincing, although the sybian-like twitching of his dangly bits was kinda distracting :)

    The whole episode felt a bit rushed to me, I got the feeling it was maybe cut down a lot from a longer script. Concept probably looked good on paper but this storyline definitely wasn’t a classic.

    • Re: Meh

      twitching of his dangly bits was kinda distracting :)

      But in a good way ;)

      This felt more like a follow-up to the Dalek/Cybermen episode than an event in itself. And I know Daleks like to monologue, but everytime they scream EXTERMINATE at anyone other than the Doctor, they shoot them dead. You’d think they’d try it on their worse enemy one of these days, being trigger-happy genocidal geniuses and all.

      • Re: Meh

        …I know Daleks like to monologue, but everytime they scream EXTERMINATE at anyone other than the Doctor, they shoot them dead. You’d think they’d try it on their worse enemy one of these days, being trigger-happy genocidal geniuses and all.

        I really think they are scared of it not working. He’s been dogging them for their ENTIRE existence. Its a bit like gathering the courage to shoot the devil.

        • Re: Meh
          I’ve had the same problem (just pull the f-ing trigger already!), but your explanation makes sense and I will now plagiarize you at every opportunity. :)

          I found this ep a fitting end for the previous, resolving the issues raised. Not perfect, but fitting.

    • Re: Meh

      Better than I expected after last week.. still wasn’t great but at least most of the daleks stayed true to their psychotic nature.

      Yeah. As soon as I saw that hybrid, it had to die. That is like Anti-Dalek stratigy #1, convince them they aren’t pure anymore and they kill each other and/or themselves.

  3. Like old times
    It’s like old times – the Daleks chasing the Doctor up and down corridors :)

    • Re: Like old times

      It’s like old times – the Daleks chasing the Doctor up and down corridors :)

      It won’t be like old times for me until the Tardis lands in quarry :)

  4. Khaaaaannnnnnn!!!!
    Does anyone else think there was a missed opportunity there? OK, not very subtle, but…

    I was rather expecting the last dalek to end up being the one in the museum from the first season, but that’s probably because I forget how it got there. Have to go watch that one again…

    • Re: Khaaaaannnnnnn!!!!

      Does anyone else think there was a missed opportunity there? OK, not very subtle, but…

      I was rather expecting the last dalek to end up being the one in the museum from the first season, but that’s probably because I forget how it got there. Have to go watch that one again…

      That would be great and would tie the story threads up very nicely… I think all they said in the episode is that they found it crashed somewhere.

      • Re: Khaaaaannnnnnn!!!!

        Does anyone else think there was a missed opportunity there? OK, not very subtle, but…

        I was rather expecting the last dalek to end up being the one in the museum from the first season, but that’s probably because I forget how it got there. Have to go watch that one again…

        That would be great and would tie the story threads up very nicely… I think all they said in the episode is that they found it crashed somewhere.

        I thought that Dalek said it had just come from the Time War, before the crash. But I too got to thinking that the Doctor needs to try pulling/controlling their emergency temporal shift destination to put the last one where he wants it. At least come up with some way to track it.

        And what about the fleet that Rose vaporized? Isn’t it waiting out in the dark for a long time? These large scale Dr Who plots are twisty and weird.

  5. The Evil of the Daleks
    This seems to be a remake of The Evil of the Daleks (season 4, story 9). First the Macra (also from season 4), now this. I guess the writers figured they could use things from the lost episodes without anyone noticing.

    • Re: The Evil of the Daleks

      This seems to be a remake of The Evil of the Daleks (season 4, story 9). First the Macra (also from season 4), now this. I guess the writers figured they could use things from the lost episodes without anyone noticing.

      If they are lost, what better way to get them back than remake them!

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