Star Wars vs. Harry Potter

chad writes, Over at Quibblo they\’re having a vote to see who would win in fights between various Star Wars and Harry Potter characters. As much as I hate to say it, I think Voldemort would stomp Darth Vader, and twelve house elves would totally destroy twelve Ewoks. I’ve got to go with Vader against Voldemort, but the ewoks wouldn’t stand a chance.

8 replies on “Star Wars vs. Harry Potter”

  1. Vader Wins
    Force choke. Kiss your spell casting goodbye. Then it’s just a lightsaber stroke to victory.

    • Re: Vader Wins

      Force choke. Kiss your spell casting goodbye. Then it’s just a lightsaber stroke to victory.

      Silent casting without verbal components, kiss you life force goodbye!

    • Re: Vader Wins
      I suppose Vader could just slag the entire area from an orbiting Star Destroyer–I’d like to see Potter get out of that one.

      Check out Chad’s News

      • Re: Vader Wins

        I suppose Vader could just slag the entire area from an orbiting Star Destroyer–I’d like to see Potter get out of that one.

        No kidding… it’s like Voldemort bringing a spell to a gun fight

    • Re: How about LOTR vs HP?

      I say Gandalf could wipe the floor with Voldemort.

      Gargamel would rule them all!

      • Re: How about LOTR vs HP?

        I say Gandalf could wipe the floor with Voldemort.

        Gargamel would rule them all!

        You know Sauron would always win, even if Gandalf and Voldemort teamed up against him.

  2. Voldemort vs. 45
    How would he do against a 45? Could he get a shield up in time, and would it work?

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