7 replies on “Top 50 Dystopian Movies”

  1. Descriptions
    The descriptions are off. I’m not sure where those come from, but Logan’s Run doesn’t start when he turns 30: it starts when the Computer increments his age prematurely. I’ve seen a few other of the ones I read that were off too.

    Aside from that, it’s an interesting list, there’s a few in there I haven’t seen, and one I’m boycotting because it rapes Asimov’s corpse.

  2. WTF is right
    the filter for dystopia is a bit wide. Minority Report, GITS, and Gattaca don’t have dystopian settings, and as far as I can recall, I, Robot and Starship Troppers don’t merit as dystopian either.

    • Re: WTF is right

      the filter for dystopia is a bit wide. Minority Report, GITS, and Gattaca don’t have dystopian settings, and as far as I can recall, I, Robot and Starship Troppers don’t merit as dystopian either.

      I would definitely consider Gattaca a dystopia, though a low-key one. Minority Report squeaks by, and the movie adaptation of Starship Troopers qualifies, I suppose, because the director treated Heinlein’s novel ironically (sort of). But, yes, it uses the term rather liberally.

    • Re: WTF is right

      the filter for dystopia is a bit wide. Minority Report, GITS, and Gattaca don’t have dystopian settings, and as far as I can recall, I, Robot and Starship Troppers don’t merit as dystopian either.

      Minority report: You can’t walk out of your house without a targeted ad following you. You are considered guilty without trial. Robot spiders will pry the bandages off your face and force open your eyes to make sure you have no privacy anywhere: Dystopia.

      Ghost in the shell: Dehumanized world of cyberpunk wars: Dystopia.

      Gattaca: You’re either genetically engineered, or a second class citizen. Girls kiss you just so they can run off to a geneticist to profile you, and even if you are engineered, it might not take as much as your parents had hoped, and you still have a glass ceiling on society: Dystopia.

      Starship Troopers: If you want the right to vote, you can buy it by making a lot of money in the private sector, or earn it by becoming a veteran. You need a permit to have children, and the permit is easier to get if you are citizen. The world is run by the military, lashes in public are a routine form of punishment, giant asteroids rain down from the sky, killing entire cities… dystopia!

      I Robot: The entire population of the Earth has moved inside giant hive-like cities and never see sunshine, becoming an entire planet of agoraphobics dependent on the labour of anthropoid machines: Dystopia (and I don’t wanna know the Will Smith version of that).

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