Dick Grayson cancelled twice in one week

Newsarama.com reports that The Graysons, originally announced as the pre-Robin life of Dick Grayson, will not be developed for television. They’ve also reported that “Nightwing,” covering the post-Robin life of Grayson, as well as “Robin” (about Tim Drake, the current Robin) and “Birds of Prey” will ship their last issues in February, which is part of the “Battle for the Cowl” event. Personal commentary follows.

I’m not at all upset the TV series isn’t going to happen. The death of Dick’s parents is a defining and sudden moment for him. A pre-Batman Bruce Wayne series could work, if it started with the death of his parents, and followed his deliberate and conscious path to becoming Batman. I don’t think a pre-Robin Grayson series would work. The character we’d be watching simply wouldn’t be the character he would eventually be, and the Robin character works best if he doesn’t have that kind of life style first.

2 replies on “Dick Grayson cancelled twice in one week”

  1. Maybe they could try an angsty drama about Bat-mite

    When I first heard about the "DJ Grayson" proposal, I thought it was the stupidest DC spin-off possible, so I’m not surprised it went nowhere.

    Making a series about Dick Grayson, pre-Robin, would be like making a series about teenage Clark Kent, and then carrying it on after high school, introducing all of the future Superman cast, without making him Superman.

    • Re: Maybe they could try an angsty drama about Bat-mite

      Making a series about Dick Grayson, pre-Robin, would be like making a series about teenage Clark Kent, and then carrying it on after high school, introducing all of the future Superman cast, without making him Superman.

      Naw, it would be much worse, atleast Superman has always had his abilities and had a need to hide them / learn them / etc. Dick Grayson was just a circus performer till his parents met their unfortunate end, anything before their deaths would be 199% fluff with absolutely no interest to anyone except perhaps the most extreme fanboy.

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