Dr. Horrible coming to DVD-R (legally)

During the writer strike, Joss Whedon teamed with his brothers to bring us Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog in what was a web-only format. The three episodes could have been purchased through iTunes at the time, but after that first week of availability, they disappeared. Now, Amazon.com has an exclusive on the production through their DVD-R media, due December 19, which can be preordered here. Why DVD-R? I haven’t tracked down a press release, but I suspect it’ll be a limited time offer once more, and the DVD-R option avoids overstocking on unsold copies.

2 replies on “Dr. Horrible coming to DVD-R (legally)”

  1. Dr. Horrible
    One of my students showed up on Hallowe’en dressed as Dr. Horrible, complete with goggles. :)

  2. iTunes Availability
    It still seems to be available on iTunes, at least in Australia. I bought it yesterday. I’ve been waiting for it to turn up on there for quite a while, we always have a significant lag behind the US for all things digital.

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