How to Turn $300 into $300 Million

A video on YouTube, Panic Attack!, that cost $300 to make has led to a $300 million contract from Sam Raimi’s Ghost House production company.

Fede Alvarez’s short film “Ataque de Panico!” (Panic Attack!) features giant robots invading and destroying Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay. It runs a whopping 4 minutes and 48 seconds and is very good looking for the cost.

Wish Mr. Alvarez the best of luck and congrats. It’ll be nice to see some “outsiders” take on the Hollywood machine.

7 replies on “How to Turn $300 into $300 Million”

  1. Great effects, but the story needs work. Why bother with all the shooting and blowing up, if you’re going to nuke the city?

    • It’s consistent with the title. Further details: if the goal of the attack is to cause panic, then a direct run to the nukes wouldn’t give people time to react and spread panic through the interwebs. Furthermore, most of the targets seemed to be path clearing so the robots could gather together in the middle of town and destroy a larger radius at once.

      I somehow got a very big kick out of the Odessa steps reference, too.

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