Andromeda Discussion – “The Lone and Level Sands”

Tony Todd adds to the list of genre shows he’s appeared on with this episode. Should he proudly display it on his resume, or try to quietly forget about it?

6 replies on “Andromeda Discussion – “The Lone and Level Sands””

  1. It was kind of weird and interesting at the same time to see Rommie flirting with the explorer captain. Seems to be adding more depth to the Rommie/Andromeda dichotomy.

    All in all, though, it seemed to be a bit of a forced character development episode. Although it was interesting that the “giant engine” had discovered things in interstellar space that were extraordinarily different to things around stars. Also interesting was the fact that heading into interstellar space made it difficult to open a slip point. Does that mean gravitation has something to do with slipstream? Is that how the magog worldship was reachable with slipstream?

    The hint that something is rotten in the “just add water” version of the commonwealth. I wonder where they’re going with that.

    The bit with Tyr and Rommie gearing up in the armory before going aboard the explorer ship was kind of funny though.

    • Re: …
      I am still watching season 3, but as far as I am concerned, I’m mainly watching the series with a morbid fascination and the faint hope that it might get better…:(

      Anyway, in this episode I liked the fact that the ship was traveling at a close to lightspeed velocity, making them lose touch with time (relativity you know). Nice touch (I believe there is a rule I picked up somewhere in Star Trek, that impulse speed is smaller than c/4 for this reason)

      • Re: …

        I am still watching season 3, but as far as I am concerned, I’m mainly watching the series with a morbid fascination and the faint hope that it might get better…:(

        Anyway, in this episode I liked the fact that the ship was traveling at a close to lightspeed velocity, making them lose touch with time (relativity you know). Nice touch (I believe there is a rule I picked up somewhere in Star Trek, that impulse speed is smaller than c/4 for this reason)

        Actually, I think Impulse is 1/2 light speed, and the ships have to constantly reset their clocks if they stay too long at full impulse. What I’ve always liked is the unwritten rule that they can’t use warp in a solar system. How long does it take light to get to pluto? A few hours?

        • Re: …

          How long does it take light to get to pluto? A few hours?

          About five and a half hours, coming from the Sun, on average. It has a terribly eccentric orbit, so that fluctuates a lot.

      • Re: …
        Heh. Season 3 is like a car wreck. You have to slow down, and watch just out of morbid fascination.

  2. He Likes It!
    I actually liked this episode. I find it interesting how much Rommie liked the idea of having an identity separate from her ship, esp. since she just recently “rebooted” the whole thing with her own personality files. Feeling jealous of herself?

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