Author Archives: Brian

Geek, writer, voice actor. What more to life is there?

Thanks Orville and Wilbur!

Today marks the 100th anniversary of their historic flight.

To say nothing of the scientific achievement, one has to give props (oh yes, pun intended) to a couple of guys, self-taught, working out of their own home to make something that everyone else thought pointless or impossible.

From one geek to another, thanks you guys!

Only Four Seasons of Enterprise?

Our friends at SciFi Storm have several links on the subject. The long and the short of it being that despite retooling, the show’s ratings have not significantly improved. This echos a piece a few weeks back in TV Guide, hinting that Enterprise would not make it past season four.

Questions remain: Will we really miss it? And how long until UPN/B&B throw us some more crap?