BBC orders TV adaptation of His Dark Materials

According to Variety, the BBC have ordered “an initial eight-part series” of an adaptation of Phillip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy for BBC One.

Given that it says “initial”, can we hope that the first season will just cover Northern Lights/The Golden Compass, thus giving the trilogy the room it needs to develop on screen? I’m hoping that the recently excellent adaptation of Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell points the way towards the possibility of another superb fantasy adaptation heading for our screens.

4 replies on “BBC orders TV adaptation of His Dark Materials”

  1. Oh good god do a better job than than movie, please do a better job than the movie, PLEASE do a better job than the movie, PLEASE do a better job than the movie, please have Haley Atwell in it…

    • “Yes please” to all of those, except I’d rather keep Hayley Atwell in Agent Carter with a possible exception for her being on Doctor Who.

      • Hey I didn’t say “Pull Haley Atwell out of everything else”.

        For the record, I would LOVE to see her as The Doctor. I mean Joanna Lumley was great and all, but I’d be OK with a female doctor that lasts more than 5 minutes.

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