Category Archives: Firefly

Salon reviews “Firefly”

YaRness writes, Salon is often a bit extreme in it’s reviews, but in the case of this review they basically describe exactly the way I feel about “Firefly” so far, that is, it’s not living up to its potential. They do mention that part of yawning feeling it’s causing may be due to network intervention (i.e. shelving the pilot). Anyway, it’s way more well written than anything I could come up with, so check it out and post your responses.

Firefly Review – “The Train Job”

We forgot to remind you that Firefly and John Doe premiered last night (even though Daemonik tried to remind us to remind you.) Well, we’ve got the first Firefly review here. Share your thoughts on Joss Whedon’s new show. If we want to keep Fox from cancelling it, we need to get people watching, so we should get people talking. (I’ll try to dig up some ratings numbers as soon as I can.)
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