Angel Discussion: “Home” (SEASON FINALE)

The one thing I know about angel is that it’s renowned for its season finales. This one seems to be no exception. (I can’t tell, however, if they’re hyping up the “I’m not bursting into flames!” line from THIS year or LAST year…)

22 replies on “Angel Discussion: “Home” (SEASON FINALE)”

  1. this year
    I saw the full ad once, and he’s not bursting into flames while in the
    offices of Wolfram & Hart.

    • Re: this year

      I saw the full ad once, and he’s not bursting into flames while in the
      offices of Wolfram & Hart.

      nice to know when he’s not bursting into flames. (sorry…I just love the whole “I’m not bursting into flames!” line. it’s very…oddly hysterical.)

  2. Can someone catch me up?
    My fiancee got me into Buffy last year and then I started watching Angel at the start of the Angelus storyline, about 6-8 eps ago. Having just seen the season finale, I have a couple of questions.

    1. What’s the story with Wolfram and Hart? I picked up that they’re “evil lawyers” (obvious joke about that being redundant omitted) but what all have they done exactly?

    2. How long has Connor been on the show? Just curious on this one.



    • Re: Can someone catch me up?

      1. What’s the story with Wolfram and Hart? I
      picked up that they’re “evil lawyers” (obvious joke about that being
      redundant omitted) but what all have they done exactly?

      Quite a bit. Let’s see… Wolfram & Hart were, as you surmised, a lawfirm.
      We never met the “senior partners”, but have been lead to believe that
      they are serious evil who live in a demon dimension. LA is just a branch
      office. A couple of years back we learned that they had some dealings
      with Loren’s home dimension too, though they didn’t go into that in too
      much detail. All along they’ve known that Angel would play a part in the
      apocalypse so they spent quite a bit of effort trying to turn him so he’d
      be on their side in the final battle.

      2. How long has Connor been on the show?
      Just curious on this one.

      Trying to recall. There’s a good episode guide at TV
      . He was born in season 3, wisked off to a demon dimension
      only to return at the end of the season as a grown teenager. We just
      wrapped season 5, so he’s only been a major character for 2 seasons
      and a bit, I think.

      • Re: Can someone catch me up?

        1. What’s the story with Wolfram and Hart? I
        picked up that they’re “evil lawyers” (obvious joke about that being
        redundant omitted) but what all have they done exactly?

        Quite a bit. Let’s see… Wolfram & Hart were, as you surmised, a lawfirm.
        We never met the “senior partners”, but have been lead to believe that
        they are serious evil who live in a demon dimension. LA is just a branch
        office. A couple of years back we learned that they had some dealings
        with Loren’s home dimension too, though they didn’t go into that in too
        much detail. All along they’ve known that Angel would play a part in the
        apocalypse so they spent quite a bit of effort trying to turn him so he’d
        be on their side in the final battle.

        2. How long has Connor been on the show?
        Just curious on this one.

        Trying to recall. There’s a good episode guide at TV
        . He was born in season 3, wisked off to a demon dimension
        only to return at the end of the season as a grown teenager. We just
        wrapped season 5, so he’s only been a major character for 2 seasons
        and a bit, I think.

        Who’s Connor??

        • Re: Can someone catch me up?
          go to, it’s got all the seasons episode summaries in a super easy to read format!

        • Re: Can someone catch me up?

          Who’s Connor??

          Cute. I’m glad I’m not the only one who picked up on that subtle bit. I think it’s Wolfram & Hart’s plan to get ahold of Conner like they wanted, that there’s more to him that just the Jasmine story. Could be just wishful thinking though — Conner is a good character, played extremely well by Vincent Kartheiser. I’m really hoping they didn’t just write him out.

  3. New Direction
    Well, They Said The Show Was Going To Go In A New Direction Next Season.

    So We’ve Got Angel Heading Wolfram And Hart…

    Connor Doesn’t Exist To Any But Angel. So Now He’s Got A Day Of Being Human And Boning Buffy That No One Else Knows About, A Son, And The Gem Of Amara (Doyle’s Dead.)

    So, Next Season, No Connor (No Offense, But GOOD! He Was Kinda A Failed Story Arc, If You Ask Me.) We’ll Probably Not See Cordy For A Bit. And, We’ve Got The Team Probably all Getting Suspicious Of Each Other As They’re All Slowly Corrupted.

    Is It Just Me, Or Does It Feel Like The Show has Some Closure, And Next Year Is Going To Be A Fairly Fresh Start For Them?

    • Re: New Direction

      Is It Just Me, Or Does It Feel Like The Show has Some Closure,
      And Next Year Is Going To Be A Fairly Fresh Start For Them?

      I heard a rumor that this episode was meant to act as an end point
      as well as a marketing tool to encourage WB to pick it up for
      another season.

  4. Couple of quick points
    First did anyone recognize the scientist guy who led Fred around. After reading the Buffy discussion i realized he played the vampire in “conversations with dead people” oh my god he’s either back from the dead or has a semi evil twin brother! I wonder what happenned with Gunn they didnt show us what happenned with the panther thingy. Also we dont know the full terms to Angel being the boss so now i gotta know what happenned there too. Darn well here’s to another 6 months of waiting but on the bright side i can catch up to all the epsiodes i missed.

    • Re: Couple of quick points

      First did anyone recognize the scientist guy who led Fred around. After reading the Buffy discussion i realized he played the vampire in “conversations with dead people” oh my god he’s either back from the dead or has a semi evil twin brother!

      THAT’S WHO HE IS!!!!

      I Couldn’t Place him. I Was Trying To Figure Out Who It Was For The Rest Of That Entire Episode. I Think I Know Him From something Else Also.

      …(Hits Up IMDB)
      Nope, Evidently Not.

      I wonder what happenned with Gunn they didnt show us what happenned with the panther thingy. Also we dont know the full terms to Angel being the boss so now i gotta know what happenned there too. Darn well here’s to another 6 months of waiting but on the bright side i can catch up to all the epsiodes i missed.

      Six Months? Don’t You Mean Three?

    • Re: Couple of quick points
      I can only hope that it’s a case of Mutant Enemy simply liking an actor enough to use him twice in one year (I liked him quite well myself) as two completely separate characters. That kind of continuity I neither want nor need.

  5. Good episode and discussion, but…
    OK, all this is fine and all, but WHO IS CONNOR?


    • Re: Good episode and discussion, but…

      OK, all this is fine and all, but WHO IS CONNOR?

      Connor is Angels and Darlas’ son. He was born about a year or so ago although hes about 18-19 now. Darla (also a vampire sacraficed herself by driving a stake through her heart so Connor could be born). Connor’s a pretty good fighter, a great tracker and he has REALLY good hearing.
      Probably due to the part that his parents were vampires.
      Who are known for their great hearing. Sorry I can’t give you much more then that.


      • Re: Good episode and discussion, but…

        OK, all this is fine and all, but WHO IS CONNOR?

        Connor is Angels and Darlas’ son. He was born about a year or so ago
        although hes about 18-19 now. Darla (also a vampire sacraficed herself
        by driving a stake through her heart so Connor could be born). Connor’s
        a pretty good fighter, a great tracker and he has REALLY good hearing.
        Probably due to the part that his parents were vampires.
        Who are known for their great hearing. Sorry I can’t give you much more
        then that.

        Yeah, but who’s Connor? ;- )

        • Re: Good episode and discussion, but…

          OK, all this is fine and all, but WHO IS CONNOR?

          Connor is Angels and Darlas’ son. He was born about a year or so ago
          although hes about 18-19 now. Darla (also a vampire sacraficed herself
          by driving a stake through her heart so Connor could be born). Connor’s
          a pretty good fighter, a great tracker and he has REALLY good hearing.
          Probably due to the part that his parents were vampires.
          Who are known for their great hearing. Sorry I can’t give you much more
          then that.

          Yeah, but who’s Connor? ;- )

          Is there an option on this site to block posts from people who don’t understand when they’ve run a joke into the ground? And, for that matter, posters Who Can’t Capitalize Correctly?

          • Re: Good episode and discussion, but…

            Is there an option on this site to block
            posts from people who don’t understand when they’ve run a joke into
            the ground? And, for that matter, posters Who Can’t Capitalize Correctly?

            Nope, maybe we could use an option to block posts complaining about
            posters too, because this is something like the 12th post about Mr
            Capital Letters BTW.
            We should find where he lives and confiscate his Shift and Caps

            Time to round up the posse…

            • Re: Good episode and discussion, but…

              Nope, maybe we could use an option to block posts complaining about
              posters too, because this is something like the 12th post about Mr
              Capital Letters BTW.
              We should find where he lives and confiscate his Shift and Caps

              Time to round up the posse…


              Can We Go For Coffee First?

            • Re: Good episode and discussion, but…

              Is there an option on this site to block
              posts from people who don’t understand when they’ve run a joke into
              the ground? And, for that matter, posters Who Can’t Capitalize Correctly?

              Nope, maybe we could use an option to block posts complaining about
              posters too, because this is something like the 12th post
              about Mr
              Capital Letters BTW.
              We should find where he lives and confiscate his Shift and Caps

              Time to round up the posse…

              Lame piontless and stupid. Forget about the shift keys.
              I though this site was meant for discussing about kewl topics like Angel. Not for complainig.

    • Re: Good episode and discussion, but…

      OK, all this is fine and all, but WHO IS CONNOR?


      He’s an Immortal, born in the Highlands of Scotland. He is over four hundred years old, and he cannot die.

      There can be only ONE! :-P

      • Oddly enough, that’s my proposed tagline for all things Highlander.
        Offtopic like anything…

        There can be only ONE! :-P

        See, it works!

        Highlander 2: There should’ve been only [Highlander] 1.
        Highlander 3: There really should’ve been only 1.
        Highlander TV show: there is only one, and it’s certainly not Adrian Paul
        Highlander Endgame: Highlander TNG – if no one sees it, there will be only one [movie with Adrian Paul as a MacLeod].

        • Re: Oddly enough, that’s my proposed tagline for all things Highlander.

          Offtopic like anything…

          There can be only ONE! :-P

          See, it works!

          Highlander 2: There should’ve been only [Highlander] 1.
          Highlander 3: There really should’ve been only 1.
          Highlander TV show: there is only one, and it’s certainly not Adrian Paul
          Highlander Endgame: Highlander TNG – if no one sees it, there will be only one [movie with Adrian Paul as a MacLeod].

          Did i miss something why the hell are we talking about Highlander all of the sudden. Wait scratch that i dont REALLY wanna know. As to my previous comment on the scientist dude well i just happen to be a complete wierdo when it comes to remembering these insignificant details. Oh and i said six months because i cant keep track of time and with all the controversy over the WB renewing Angel or not I just figured it might take a little longer to film everything this time. Speaking of which has the WB renewed it yet or what i dont see why they wouldnt but you never know.

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