Star Trek Movie Plot Details

This site features unconfirmed spoilers for the next Trek film. Anyone reading further should assume exposure to potential spoilers.

I hope it’s not too much of a spoiler to say that Harlan Ellison has a guarded thought or two on the subject.

Meanwhile, Winona Ryder will apparently play Amanda, Spock’s mother.

4 replies on “Star Trek Movie Plot Details”

    • Re: Wow.

      Pretty strong language by Mr. Ellison. Wonder if he’ll end up filing a lawsuit. Time will tell, I guess.

      Harlan’s such a crotchey old man he doesn’t know A from B anymore. For decades he bitched about how Gene rewrote so much of the script that the end result was "inept" despite being one of the greatest episodes of the entire series, and being a multiple award winner. So while he retained writing credit, he has to share the copyright with The Great Bird, and doesn’t own sole rights, they just have to pay him royalties.

      T’Pol was originally going to be T’Pau, and IIRC Tom PAris was originally going to be Nick Lacarno, but they didn’t want to pay the original writers a royalty for every episode, which they would have had to. So Harlan doesn’t get to call any shots, but he would be due royalties.

      • Re: Wow.

        Harlan’s such a crotchey old man he doesn’t know A from B anymore. For decades he bitched about how Gene rewrote so much of the script that the end result was "inept" despite being one of the greatest episodes of the entire series, and being a multiple award winner. So while he retained writing credit, he has to share the copyright with The Great Bird, and doesn’t own sole rights, they just have to pay him royalties.

        The man’s a trip, but he taught me how to use guided visualization to cure a headache, and I made $20 off of him selling his books at a college function. He has strong views, and he’s definitely an original. He’s full of himself, but over time he has made some significant contributions to science fiction.

        If "City" is truly the starting point for this movie, this movie is looking up, and if they’ve really been putting together a flick using his intellectual property without his consent, they deserve at least a decent lashing with a sharp pen.

        He deserves a nice consultant’s fee and a credit on the movie. :)


      • Re: Wow.

        Pretty strong language by Mr. Ellison. Wonder if he’ll end up filing a lawsuit. Time will tell, I guess.

        Harlan’s such a crotchey old man he doesn’t know A from B anymore. For decades he bitched about how Gene rewrote so much of the script that the end result was "inept" despite being one of the greatest episodes of the entire series, and being a multiple award winner.

        Have you ever read his original script? Ten times better.

        And the script they actually shot was still tremendous.

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