Category Archives: Science

Thanks Orville and Wilbur!

Today marks the 100th anniversary of their historic flight.

To say nothing of the scientific achievement, one has to give props (oh yes, pun intended) to a couple of guys, self-taught, working out of their own home to make something that everyone else thought pointless or impossible.

From one geek to another, thanks you guys!

ATTN! Revision of previous submission

starbreeze writes, I got a little more information and rewrote this for posting on my weblog.

The Sci-Fi channel may be suing NASA in order to gain the release to the public of documentation relating to a possible UFO event in Kecksburg, PA in 1965. They may also sue the Department of Defense, the Army and Air Force in this Freedom of Information Act. I’m sure the government will end up squashing them, but I’m rooting for them nonetheless. Or, the government may pretend to play along and release faked documents stating that it was simply a meteorite… at least in my little conspiracy theory.

They’ve apparently been investigating this incident and will air a documentary hosted by Bryant Gumbel on Friday entitled “The New Roswell: Kecksburg Exposed.” However, the network is claiming this series of lawsuits is not just to promote hype.

Sci-Fi channel suing NASA for UFO documents

starbreeze writes, In a bold move, the Sci-Fi channel is attempting to gain the release of documents related to a 1965 UFO sighting in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania (it’s near Greensburg, which is about 45 minutes SE of Pittsburgh.). The Sci-Fi channel expects to file suit against NASA within a week, but won’t stop there. They also plan to sue the Department of Defense, the Army and Air Force.

Meanwhile, the Sci-Fi channel has been doing it’s own research into this incident that they are calling “The new Roswell”. This Friday they will air a documentary hosted by Bryant Gumbel called “The New Roswell: Kecksburg Exposed.”

Five quark particle discovered

A particle with five quarks, instead of the usual three (or one
quark and one antiquark), has been discovered. Details are at
. The implications: new physics. The Standard Model
of Particle Physics that has been in place for about 35 years
needs serious revision, and quarks were only supposed to collect
in colour neutral, antisymmetric states, of which this is not.

Mars Rovers Named

Anonymous Coward writes, Well, a few days ago we were wondering if the NASA Mars rovers were named Marvin and Daffy; looks like the answer is no. Check out my writeup elsewhere; the official lander names are Spirit and Opportunity. According to the press release from The Planetary Society, the naming contest was co-sponsored by Lego Corp. which has Lego mascots (NOT Marvin and Daffy) painted onto the attached DVDs on each rover.