Tag Archives: Silver Screen Superman

Silver Screen Superman: “Man of Steel”

I’m very sorry this was late. I recorded it last month before work, and didn’t have time to edit it at all. I then forgot I hadn’t edited and uploaded it until I checked the site this morning, and by then I had to leave for work. I wanted to have this up about 16 hours ago, but it’s ready now: the final installment of Silver Screen Superman: Man of Steel, which also includes a discussion of the comic book version of Superman III. The same podcast feed that we’re already using will become the “Big Screen Batman” feed next month.

Silver Screen Superman 6 and 7: “Superman: The Movie”

This month, it’s time to discuss the 1978 Superman: The Movie directed by Richard Donner and starring Christopher Reeve. Due to the amount I had to say about this one, I decided to break it up into two parts. The first part includes is the usual podcast about the film, while the second part is a full length commentary to go along with the year 2000 extended edition of the film, with a runtime of 151 minutes. (The podcast is only slightly longer than that; it basically provides enough time for iTunes feed subscribers know which edition to use, and to synchronize the players for multiple users.) Today’s Man of Steel will get the podcast treatment in December, when I’ve had time to go through the bonus features and commentaries to do the job properly.