Fun with Google

Google has put in a few Easter Eggs to their services. The one I just learned about is directly related to Lord of the Rings, which is enough excuse to post about them here.

  • On the main search page, search for “Do a barrel roll”
  • On the main search page, search for “Askew”
  • On the main search page, search for “Let it snow”
  • On Google Maps, switch to walking directions. Enter “The Shire” as your point of origin and “Mordor” as your destination. Now ask for directions.

3 replies on “Fun with Google”

  1. I’m not getting anything for the google maps one… It’s picking up The Shire, London, and trying to send me to Mordor Tattoo in Seattle…

  2. Switching to walking directions is a step you might need to do for the Shire/Mordor directions.

    Also try walking directions from Seattle to Toyko

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