Charlie Jade: The Enemy of My Enemy

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. –old adage I’ve been out of town, and so I’m posting this review a little late. I received an e-mail from Denis McGrath, the writer of last week’s ep; apparently, he sometimes reads this site. If anyone else associated with the show happens upon my reviews: you […]

Charlie Jade: Thicker Than Water

Jade, Gemma Gaetano, and Karl Lubinksy examine the mystery of the disappearing reservoir, and learn that Vexcor’s secrets may be even darker than they imagined. Meanwhile, O1 returns to the Betaverse and his old, twisted self.

Charlie Jade: Identity

Charlie Jade seeks a new identity, everybody stands on the verge of discovering something that will be trouble for somebody else, and Vexcor’s plan may be going seriously awry.

Charlie Jade: Betrayal

A number of developments make this week’s episode exciting, disturbing and, probably, largely incomprehensible to anyone who hasn’t been watching the show.

Charlie Jade: Devotion

We learn more about Jade’s past as he works yet another money-making case, and, once again, finds a Vexcor connection. Reena helps her benefactor, and the plot to kill 01 Boxer takes us to an interesting place.

Charlie Jade: Diamonds

We learn more about Charlie himself in this episode, more about 01 Boxer’s intentions, and more about Vexcor’s plans for our version of earth.

Charlie Jade: Dirty Laundry

Recently, a discussion thread at the Bureau raised the problem of people who constantly ask what is happening in a show or movie, why it’s happening, and questions of this nature. Usually, they appear to be operating under the assumption that you somehow know more about the show/movie than they do, when, usually, you’ve both […]

Charlie Jade: And Not a Drop to Drink

Charlie’s leads draw him further into the series’ dark world, Reena undergoes torture, Jasmine wants to remains free, we get a glimpse of Gammaverse politics, and we finally witness 01 Boxer travelling between worlds.