Taxi Trivia

Need a ride? We’ve got you covered in episode 277 of the Dorky Geeky Nerdy Trivia Podcast. This week, we’ve got Taxi Trivia. That is, trivia about the 1970s TV show, Taxi, not about the rapidly diminishing form of transportation.

6 replies on “Taxi Trivia”

  1. I barely alive for most of the show, so I assume that everyone is exactly like me and most people won’t have seen this show, right?

    Dorky – 5 right, 5 points – Oh, she was in it! I like her!
    Geeky – 1 right, 1 points –
    Nerdy – 0 right, 0 points –

    I guess I did better than I thought, especially for never having seen an episode.

    • Do yourself a favour: go to YouTube and search “reverend jim vacuum salesman” and “reverend jim driving test”. I was lukewarm on the series overall, but the 10-15 minutes needed to watch those will be worth every second. Two of the funniest scenes in the history of the medium, largely because Christopher Lloyd is just that good.

      • Watch the rest of the cast during the Driving Test episode. They are BARELY keeping it together because Lloyd is nailing his character.

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