
Like to track sharks? There’s an app for that!

Looking for life in outer space? Consider the Daily Galaxy’s take on alternate biochemistries.

Thinking of moving off-planet? An entire family slips over to Martian time. Meanwhile, back at the red planet, a Curious arm extends.

Feeling sick? A digital pill has been approved by the FDA.

Playing fetch? A dog digs up a 300 million year old fossil

–Except in these texts, approved for use in publicly-funded Christian schools, which insist the world is only a few thousand years old, dinosaurs coexisted with humans, the Great Depression is largely a liberal myth, environmentalism is evil, and modern math is ungodly.

Want some views? With the new season of Doctor Who premiering the week of September 8, we’re posting some fan films from awhile back that feature multiple Doctors. We’ve also got some Avengers bloopers and out-takes and more:

We can search all over the internet for scientific and sarcastic responses to Todd Akin’s recent unscientific comments about pregnancy and rape, but here’s a short video summing up the general response:

Yeah, Akin is on the U.S. government’s Science and Tech Committee.

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