Category Archives: Doom Patrol

Bureau’s Breakroom’s Television Table – Week beginning 14 April 2019

This week, we return with a new post title with 20% more DC and 100% more dragons!  I didn’t even know Doom Patrol had started, and we are already 10 episodes in, but they will also appear here along side the warring armies of Westeros.  Out homegrown deities explore what happened to one of the more popular in the pantheon, the hammer wielding Donar.  Except for Supergirl, the other Disguised Champions are back on patrol alongside their doomed streaming exclusive friends.   Arrow’s Laurel redemptive arc hits a rocky patch, Mona reads some classic literature, and Flash gives us answers on Nora’s motivations.  The junkies in Riverdale find themselves deeper into the clutches of a cult.  Marvel gives us Cloak fighting his past while Dagger fights a sex trafficking ring.  The Orvile’s description seems like we get our classic time loop episode.  My most biggest anticipation this week however is watching Star Trek: Discovery boldly goes into its season finale.

[All synopses (and titles) from or IMDB below the cut, except when there really aren’t any.  (If a show’s synopsis is a spoiler to you, do not click More…)]

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