Tag Archives: Halloween Reviews

Halloween Countdown: Lifeforce

So, originally the plan for this week was for JD to review the remake of Carrie this week. However, I’ve been informed that he’s been taken into another dimension, one of not only sight and sound but of the mind, so while we wait for him to get back, this week I’m reviewing the somewhat divisive horror film from the director of Poltergeist & The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Lifeforce. Continue reading →

Halloween Review: Devil Seed (2012)

Once more, across the northern hemisphere, leaves fall from trees to be crunched underfoot, masks by the Silver Shamrock corporation stare from store windows and oatmeal-faced zombies prowl the streets. Cornfields turn into mazes along haunted highways while costumed kids take candy from suspicious strangers. And, here at the Bureau, we begin our annual countdown of creepy films. We’ll review the famous and familiar and, certainly, some newly unleashed horrors, a couple of old-time scares and (perhaps) unfamiliar finds.

Our October Countdown appears at the end of this review.

First up: every town has that house, that haunted place where something horrific happened. Where I live, it can be found a fifteen minute walk away. That house. We all know the horror that happened there, even if we dare not talk about it. The shooting—the principal shooting for this 2012 straight-to-video, straight-to-download horror hit….

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