Tag Archives: SyFy

Missed Caprica Last Night?

Several people (own beloved Dave included) had a DVR goof-up since some providers listed the episodes of Caprica as “reruns” and not as “new.” Technically, they have been run before, but not here in the US.

Fear not. SyFy is being benevolent and streaming the final five episodes on their website for free.


It’s nice, but if SyFy wanted to really be benevolent, they wouldn’t cancel the series. But let’s not split hairs.

Stargate Universe Cancelled

SyFy just tweeted (twittered?) that this current season of SGU will be its last. The Stargate franchise has been airing on SyFy (well it was Sci-Fi back then) since 2002.

I’ll have to do that math, is Stargate the longest running franchise? The original Stargate show holds the record for longest running Sci-Fi series, but I don’t know if the three series add up to more than Star Trek’s 28 seasons. I don’t think so, but it’s still a good long legacy that I know a lot of fans will be very sad to see go.

How about you? Going to miss it? Time for it to go? Never saw it?