Dresden Files: ‘Second City’ (Season Finale)

Dresden and Murphy must work together to solve the mystery of a former gang member who drowns on dry land, miles from the nearest lake. Meanwhile, Murphy’s father is in town, and he doesn’t have a very high opinion of his daughter’s freelance consultant.

This marks the end of the season. A little digging around hasn’t turned up any mention of whether or not this got picked up for a second season. I’d like to see more. It’s light enough to be fun, but deep enough to keep me interested. What do you think?

Review: The Atrocity Archives

If we pursue this plan, by late 2006 any two adjacent public CCTV terminals — or private camcorders equipped with a digital video link — will be reprogrammable by any authenticated MAGINOT BLUE STARS superuser to permit the operator to turn them into a SCORPION STARE basilisk weapon. We remain convinced that this is the best defensive posture to adopt in order to minimize casualties when the Great Old Ones return from beyond the stars to eat our brains (273).

This volume includes three pieces: Charles Stross’s eponymous Lovecraftian spy thriller, the Hugo-award winning Concrete Jungle, and “Inside the Fear Factory,” a reflection on spies, the Cold War, Lovecraft, horror, and hackers.

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