Category Archives: Doctor Who

Billie Piper: Quitter, not trooper.

writes, According to the Mirror, Billie
Piper has stunned TV bosses by quitting her role as
Rose Tyler, the Doctor’s sidekick. She will be in
series2, but not 3.
The last time I heard, the
BBC hadn’t commented on this. The rumour has been out
a few days, but I was hoping to get official
confirmation or denial before posting. (If you’ll
recall, a similar rumour came out just after they
switched Doctors. Of course, it could also be that
they talked her out of it that time, but not this

BBC Commissions Third Series of Doctor Who

BBC News Online has the story (contains a spoiler about next week but it’s clearly marked at the end). In brief: the next two series will also be thirteen episodes, and there will be two Christmas specials made, giving a total of twenty-eight episodes which have yet to be made.

Additionally, Russell T. Davies has confirmed that Billie Piper will be in all of series two (contrary to previous reports). He will write six episodes of series two himself, and the series will see the return of the Cybermen.

Filming on series two is due to begin in five weeks’ time.