“The Village” Discussion

M. Knight Shyamalan made another movie. I suspect his work will end up like Philip K. Dick’s work does for me; most of the early twist endings catch me off guard, but after a while, I get to know the creator well enough to predict the twists. Fortunately, so far, the ride to the twist is still entertaining enough to keep me involved. What do you folk think?

Blind Lake

Of this year’s Hugo nominees, Robert Charles Wilson’s Blind Lake has the greatest crossover appeal, a fact which will draw in some readers and (possibly) alienate others. An SF thriller set in a community under pressure, Blind Lake features a Stephen King-esque small community and a plausible extra-terrestrial– but who the heck is Nerissa Iverson?

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“Catwoman” Discussion

The DC Super Hero DVD sets contain coupons for cheap admission, but those are only valid in the USA, so I won’t be seeing this for a while. (It only got half a star in the local paper’s review, so it sounds like it’s bad enough to be very entertaining in unintended ways.) This will serve as a discussion forum until the hypothetical day one of us does a proper review.