Serenity Lifts Off

Anonymous Coward writes, Today (Wed June 9) is a
very special day indeed. According to inside
sources, this is the day the entire main cast of
Firefly reunites and begins filming scenes together
for the upcoming Serenity movie. Browncoat fans have
united to present them with a
surprise 4ft x 8ft vinyl welcome-back banner
One fan has actually been cast as an extra in the
movie and is posting
his experiences in ongoing diary entries
Release has been officially scheduled for April 22,
2005. That’s, um, only 316 days…
I may just
have to bookmark that BLOG.

Weekly Comics Discussion

It’s a new week, and time for new comics. The only
titles I’m expected are DC’s Silver Age Sample, a
great deal at under a buck, and Ultimate X-Men
. (I should get that review of Ultimate
X-Men 40-45
up soon, I suppose. I have the
notes for it roughed out, but haven’t typed them in
yet.) I may be tempted by Witches #1, as
well, unless my backlog of trades from the backlists
starts showing up. (I’ve got a Daredevil and three
Marvel Age volumes still on the way.)