Ghosts of SF’s Past

January will see the publication of a long-lost work by Robert Heinlein. Publishers rejected the 1930s effort, For Us the Living, for being too didactic. Hardly suprising for Heinlein, but the novel’s apparent political philosophy differs from the views he would later espouse.

Weekly Comic Discussion

Well, I should start by apologizing for missing last
week’s column. Not much came out on Christmas Eve
anyway, but there was the new issue of Previews.
This week is similarly small, although it does
contain the very notable Ultimate Fantastic Four
, and the potentially interesting
Marvelous Adventures of Gus Beezer: Gus Beezer
and Spider-Man
one shot. I’ll be buying and
reviewing both this weekend. Read on to find out
what I’m picking up from Previews for future reviews.
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