Author Archives: W. Blaine Dowler

As you may be able to tell, my formal training is not as a writer. My degrees are in physics and education. In my day job, I work in supplemental education, which is why my productivity is lowest when report card season hits.

Potential movie reviews

I’ve recently managed to create a catalogue
of my DVD collection, and it includes some titles
that may or may not be Bureau 42 material. Rather
than guessing, I’ll just ask you: do you (eventually;
I’m not promising any timelines) want to see reviews
for The Complete Goofy (every short starring
Goofy), George Lucas In Love,
Hackers, The Messenger, some NASA
documentary footage, Pi, Real
, Stan Lee’s Mutants, Monsters and
, Tomorrow Never Dies,
WarGames, or The Complete Wallace and
? (We’d need to create a non-fiction film
category if you want the NASA or Stan Lee stuff