Author Archives: JD DeLuzio

New companion for Doctor Who

x00 writes, The BBC News website is reporting that the next series of Doctor Who will have a new, additional companion for the entire fourth series and that Martha Jones will rejoin the Doctor in the latter half. It also reportst she will also be appearing in three episode of Torchwood. Any guesses on which characters she’ll be sleeping with?

Oops. We were cleaning out the sub queue and duplicated an old story. Mea culpa

Novel Review: No Humans Involved

Like miracle workers, we return the ghost—the soul—to the body, conscious and aware. So unless you raise a Hannibal Lector, the person’s not going to start eating brains. But the body is the dead one, the broken one, the rotting one, just like in a horror flick. So now the ghost is trapped, fully aware, in that broken, rotting, corpse.(242)

Kelley Armstrong has made the New York Times’ bestseller list with her seventh “otherworld” novel. This blend of urban fantasy, mystery, horror, and romance takes place in a contemporary world where the supernatural really exists, but remains hidden from public view. It’s rather like a literary, early-season Buffy.

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Countdown #51-48

Hey! Y’can’t just stop…. This is Metropolis! Stuff like this happens twice a week!
–Annoyed Cabbie, to a driver who has stopped to witness an earth-shattering event.

Following the success of their weekly series, 52, DC hopes to see lightning strike again with Countdown, which maps out the new DCU, the one changed by events from 52. Although the issues count backward from the end of that series (starting with #51), roughly a year has passed, chronicled in the mainstream DC titles.

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