Author Archives: JD DeLuzio

Strangers in Paradise: Heart in Hand

When people tell me romance comics are dead, I shove a copy of Strangers in Paradise in their hands.
–Kevin Smith

Strangers in Paradise has always been more than a “romance comic,” but there’s no question that Moore’s work stands apart from most comic-book offerings. The twelfth Strangers in Paradise trade paperback chronicles the rift that leads to the ten-year separation of the central characters, an event which readers have anticipated or dreaded since the second series.

It also features amusing cameos by Robert Crumb and Kevin Smith.

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Strangers in Paradise: Brave New World

O wonder!
How many goodly creatures are there here!
How beautious mankind is.
O brave new world,
that has such people in’t!
The Tempest V.i.

Moore isn’t alluding to Aldous Huxley; he’s going back to the Shakespearian source of the phrase. It suits the story, but one wonders about the wisdom of giving your comic-book the same title as a famous dystopic novel.

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The 4400 Discussion The New World parts 1 and 2

cabrubak writes, I noticed there was nothing about the only genre show with new episodes on American television, The 4400.
Last Sunday the two hour Season 3 opener premiered on USA.

It wasn’t bad overall, but it seems to be going the V and Earth Final Contact route: With Isabelle growing to adulthood overnight, to become the savior or maybe the destroyer of the human race.