Category Archives: B42 Site News

Grimm Discussion: “Beeware”

Still out of town;
Meanwhile, Nick discovers more about his family’s history while working on a case involving a flash mob gone horribly wrong. Nick and Hank find themselves at odds when they are both assigned to protect a shady person from their dark past.

Grimm Discussion: “Bears Will Be Bears”

While I’m hoping to start reviewing Grimm (the pilot has me very interested) I’m out of town this week and won’t be catching it until later. So if anyone else was as intrigued as I was, here’s a discussion post.
This week, “Nick and Hank investigate a case of breaking-and-entering, which introduces them to a family’s barbaric history. Nick asks Monroe to look after Aunt Marie”

Updates coming to several of our links

Due to circumstances at work, I’ve been behind in a few of our links and updates. By the end of this weekend, three areas that are behind will be updated. First of all, the “Blaine’s Video Collection” link in the lower right will transform into “Blaine’s Collections,” and detail my movie, comic and book collections as hosted by connect. Second, the needed edits to the second lesson of “Math From Scratch” will be implemented and uploaded. Finally, the “Bureau 42 Event Calendar” will be updated for all shows we usually cover. (We’re open to suggestions on that front, too.)