Category Archives: Star Trek

News about Star Trek and any of it’s many spin-offs, movies, books, and more.

Star Trek Prequel in the Works

Rick Berman is confirming that there is another Star Trek film in the works, and that it is a prequel of some kind. Rumors have been flying about regarding a prequel film for some time.

Frankly, I’m all prequelled out. Where are the original ideas?

Rumor: Enterprise Gets (Limited) Renewal

SyFy Portal has the scoop. Basically UPN has signed off on 12 (half the usual) episodes for next season. That could be extended to 24 if it can perform well. Apparently the new direction is working for the ratings, or has at least stopped the bleeding.

It is, however, unclear as to whether or not Berman and Braga will still be running the show.