Heroes Discussion: Eclipse, Part One

Claire continues training, Mohinder mutates, Daphne visits her Smallville home, new comic day brings big future news, Claire feels her pain, the pacing grows less webisode-like, the Petrellis fly to Haiti, the Haitian experiences family problems, Hiro’s current character flaws at least have an explanation, Elle gives Sylar a hand, and our small army of characters continue to wage their interconnected battles throughout the world.

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The Real Weekend Review – Berserk

Okay, here’s the proper weekend review, with even my intended preface!

This time around I’m going for a review of the hyperviolent fantasy anime “Berserk!” The show has been around for a  while, and the series has gotten a bit of a following in anime circles, enough for Dark Horse Comics to license the Manga, which is still running. Having listened to enough people tell me how good it is, I figured I might as well check it out and pass along my thoughts. So, having gotten the preface out of the way…

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