Weekend Review: Battlestar Galactica

Q: Is this the review of the current episode?

A: No, this is our weekend review, and we’re going back to the original 1978 movie.

Q: Movie? Wasn’t Battlestar Galactica a 70s tv show?

A: Yes, but it was also a theatrically-released movie.

Q: I wasn’t around in the 70s. Your comments intrigue me. But will fans of the original show be offended by your review?

A: Possibly, but read on, and perhaps we can discuss the matter over a drink at the space-disco.

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BSG Streaming New Episodes at Noon Fridays

joe__gee writes, It’s too late for this week’s episode, but it looks like Sci Fi will be streaming some content (whole episodes) on upcoming Fridays at noon ET from their web site. The stream cannot be paused or rewound, and it cannot be played in full screen. For your information, tonight’s episode is excellent. As proof that I saw it… If you want the spoilers I didn’t want (as I’m following on DVD, and behind) keep reading below.
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Torchwood Season 2 Finale Discussion

mrsleny writes, Would someone kindly review this? There are some major shakeups.

Thanks kindly!

mrsleny :) Those Bureau authors who are watching aren’t watching on the native network, and are a few weeks behind. Here’s a discussion forum for those who’ve already watched it. Don’t read on unless you want spoilers.