Author Archives: W. Blaine Dowler

As you may be able to tell, my formal training is not as a writer. My degrees are in physics and education. In my day job, I work in supplemental education, which is why my productivity is lowest when report card season hits.

Weekly Comics Discussion – Wednesday, November 9, 2005

This week’s shipping
has only one item I’ll be taking home, namely
Pulse #12. (Incidentally, Brian Michael
Bendis has announced that issue #14 will be his last
on the title. No word on who will replace him, or
even if the series will continue.) Other noteworthy
items include 100 Bullets #66, the first
issue of a Danger Girl miniseries, DMZ
, Infinite Crisis #2, JMS’ Book of
Lost Souls #2
, Captiain Universe
, Decimation: House of M: The Day
, Drax the Destroyer #3 (a series
which is getting great reviews but less than
spectacular sales), Exiles #72, the
Fantastic Four Wedding Special, Friendly
Neighbourhood Spider-Man #2
(continuing “The
Other”), and New Excalibur #1.

Narnia Sneak Peek

writes, The latest issue of Newsweek contains an
on the upcoming movie, “The Chronicles of Narnia: The
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”. I loved the Narnia
books as a kid, reading the entire series about five
times, and I was pleasantly surprised when the trailer
aired before “Revenge of the Sith”. The best indicator
of how Narnia is going to do, however, was in the
reaction of the people around me at the Star Wars
movie. I saw the trailer twice, and each time I heard
someone say “Wow…” after it ended.
I think I
only read two of these books when I was a kid, but I
know many people who absolutely love them.

“Serenity” on DVD Dec. 20, 2005

Anonymous Coward writes, at Some
details : Format: Ac- , Dolby, Dubbed, Subtitled,
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1

Available Subtitles: English, Spanish, French
Digital 5.1), French (Dolby Digital 5.1)

Commentary by: Writer/Director Joss Whedon

Deleted scenes and outtakes

Future History: The Story of Earth That Was

What’s in a Firefly

Re-Lighting the Firefly

Joss Whedon Introduction

You can find and preorder it here,
as I’ve just done. Shiny!