New Babylon 5 coming

Last week, the Babylon 5 Script Team sent out e-mails to those of us on the script book announcement list, letting us know that volume nine will be delayed until September because JMS is too busy making new B5 material to get the volume together. Those who missed our original articles about the script books should head over to this page and dig into the goodness. (I’m trying to develop a script rubric of some form just to rave about these books.) Those who want to read the note JMS wrote for last week’s email can find it in the extended article body below.
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Hi-Def Trek on the way?

In this Digital Bits article, you’ll find rumours about the DVD release date of Superman Returns (Nov. 28; not announced officially) and, even more interesting, high definition Star Trek. That’s at higher resolution than the post special effects master copies. How might they do this? By taking the original pre-effects film stock and recreating the old special effects to the same specs at a higher resolution. The purist in me objects, but the realist points out that it’s akin to the first movie’s DVD release, and less dramatic than the Star Wars revamps.

‘Invincible’ is Just That

Oh goodie, another underdog sports flick. In the meantime, Snakes on a Plane spirals into a crash landing at #8. Pirates (after raking in $960 million around the globe) finally slips off the top 10 list.

  1. Invincible*
  2. Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
  3. Little Miss Sunshine
  4. Beerfest*
  5. Accepted
  6. World Trade Center
  7. Step Up
  8. Idlewild*
  9. Snakes on a Plane
  10. Barnyard: The Original Party Animals

More facts and figures from Box Office Mojo.

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2006 Emmy Awards released

This year’s Emmy Award ceremony took place last night. While genre shows had few nominations and fewer wins, there were a number of good shows rewarded. (For example, the only non-genre show I never miss, My Name Is Earl, received awards for writing and directing.) The full listings are available through this page.

Weekly DVD Picks – August 29, 2006

It’s the last week of August, which means things are really starting to pick up. The next few weeks will see a flood of quality TV-on-DVD products, followed by an October surge of action, horror, and thriller titles, before the Christmas push starts in November. This week not only sees the start of the TV product, but it’s a great week to be a (20-something) animation fan.
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Comic Review: Molly & Poo

Molly and Poo has been numbered the sixteenth Strangers in Paradise trade paperback, but many readers do not see it as a significant part of the story, and the official SiP site places it separate from the chronological listing of titles. Issue #14 of the second series gave readers serious pause. In place of the familiar comic-book tale of Katchoo, Francine, and David, Terry Moore served up a twisted prose story decorated with original drawings and Victorian/Edwardian clip art. The issue offered no explanation for what it might be doing in Strangers in Paradise, though we later learn that the eponymous Molly (contemporary version) once dated Francine’s brother. Years later, Moore completed the story with a fragmented comic and a second decorated prose work. The former briefly features SiP regulars and the latter includes a few pages of comics.

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