Author Archives: David E. Smith

Stargate: Universe Discussion – “Life”

The crew finds a (plot) device that’s about as likely to get them home as anything Voyager found in the first season. Y’know, the problem with “here’s a way home” in a show where the premise of the show is “you’re a long way from home” is that even though the characters don’t know it won’t work, we know it won’t.

Dollhouse may be shelved during sweeps

What a difference a week makes. Just a few days ago, everyone seemed to think that, thanks to DVRs, Dollhouse was safe, at least for now. Today, the latest rumor is that Dollhouse won’t even air during November sweeps. This is, as they say, a bad sign. (I’ll refrain from making all the “told ya so” jokes about Joss and the Fox network, because I’m sure the rest of you will have much better ones anyway.)

Stargate: Universe Discussion: “Air,” Parts 1 and 2

I’m not sure how we overlooked this one – couple nights ago, the latest series in the Stargate franchise premiered on Syfy. At this point, after fifteen seasons of two other shows and two made-for-DVD movies, I think it qualifies as a “franchise,” with all both good and ill that entails.

So, what did the rest of you think of this new and slightly darker chapter in the Stargate universe?