Category Archives: Movies

Letterbox vs. Pan And Scan

This isn’t new, and it’s not directly related to sci-fi or fantasy specifically, but it’s something that deserves to be visible. If you have friends who complain that letterboxed versions of movies are missing some of the picture, tell them to check out this link. It’s not as funny as most of the Rinkworks stuff, since it’s meant to be serious, but it’s very well done.

E.T. Controversy

This sparked a lot of debate on a couple of local mailing lists I’m on, and maybe it’ll do the same thing here. Short version: In the upcoming DVD release of E.T. the Federales won’t be wielding shotguns anymore. In their place will be… walkie-talkies? (Full story follows)
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Stargate SG1 Movie

Anonymous Coward writes, I met one of the
actors from SG1 at a Sci-Fi/Horror convention
yesterday. He told me that in addition to the
upcoming sixth season airing, they have gotten
the OK to start planning a feature film. I could
not find any additional official info on the SG1
website. I don’t want to mention the actor’s name
because I don’t want to get him in trouble in
case this is a leaked secret.
I read this
rumour a week ago or so. It was probably on Ain’t It Cool
, home of one of the Web’s worst search
engines. If anyone knows of another site that’s
reporting this, post the URL below.

Marvel Movies

The IGN FilmForce has an article here talking about two Marvel Comics movie properties involving Ray Park, Iron Fist and X-Men 2. No mention of the other big Marvel properties, though. (And I was so hoping to somehow work in that Sam Raimi, director of Spider-Man, is celebrating his 42nd birthday today.)